Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Tuesday and Tessellations

We are continuing to explore drawing using a pencil and a ruler. The senior intro to art class has a couple more day to work on the 1 point perspective room. I am a bit more comfortable now that nearly everyone is working on their good copy. The last in-class working day for this assignment is Friday September 24th and it is due on Friday October 1st 2010.  I am trying a new idea in managing deadlines. There is a set number of classes to work on an assignment and then the final due date is one week later. I am hoping that this allows for the usual emergencies that crop up while still keeping a reasonable deadline.
The grade nine intro to art class is working on their pencil tessellations. This is due this Friday September the 24th 2010. The shading is proving to be just as time consuming as we thought it would be. Don't rush the shading people. It is the component that gives the pattern maximum impact.
Next week means more drawing and some cutting and pasting! Woo Hoo!

Monday, September 20, 2010


Welcome to my blog. I cannot believe how quickly September is flying by! I hope you enjoyed the summer because it looks like we are into Fall!
We are already creating our first drawings. Exciting? Your bet!
Remember that if you are in my class this semester, you must have a sketchbook by now. If you don't, you need to speak with me right now so we can figure out an alternative for you post haste.