It's the last of September and I have finally managed to restore this blog. Hopefully this year it will be better. I mean someone might actually read this and comment. So with that in mind, here's what's going on in room 3. This morning some of my grade ten students travelled to Kitchener for the gallery tour. I heard it was pretty good and I can't wait to hear what everyone saw and thought. Back in room 3, we continued to draw our animals in preparation for the clay whistle project. I see clay pinch pots in the grade ten class' future. The grade nines are having their pencil tessellation drawings marked. I have a few left to do then I will add up the marks and return the rubric/reflection pages. If you haven't shown me your tesellation by the end of today then it is late.* I am also trying to mark the edges drawing of folded looseleaf paper and the animal/desk tool drawing. There is no penalty attached to those but sooner rather than later would be better. Then we move into colour theory and coloured pencil drawing. Good fun!
I am still knitting the coloured scarf and it is still holding my attention. I love watching the colour progressions. Stop by room 3 for a demo if you are intrigued.
Btw: thanks for the invite on facebook but it really isn't a buy out and I do have a class to teach. Good luck guys. Go Lancers!
Have a great weekend everyone! See you Monday.
*5% per day not including weekends to a maxium deduction of 20%.